The blog that's been too busy preparing a lawsuit against West Ham United to do any writing.

Thursday 31 July 2008

007 Nation Army

Jack White doing the new James Bond theme was exciting news for this correspondent yesterday. Until the addition of Alicia Keys in the mix. A duet with these two just isn't cutting the mustard in my book. White is the most innovative guitarist of his generation, but Keys is simply another anodyne soul (that description is loose to be honest) songstress. Blandness personified. However, it can't be any worse than 'Die Another Day' by Madonna, which was the worst Bond theme ever, and it might just be a cracker. In addition to this, it gives us the opportunity to say Roger Moore was the best James Bond. Oh yes he was.


Been enjoying this new band from Sweden, serving up a smorgasbord of classic rock. Some smooth grooves here. 'Thin Line' is very good, but there is a track on their myspace (below) called 'As Years Pass By' that really reminds me of Cream. That's a good thing by the way.

Wednesday 30 July 2008

New video

Check it out:

Okay dokey pig in a pokey

Right, this is what's been happening so far. There are going to be the posting of video links, music links, articles and other mad stuff here, rantings etc. Please feel free to join in.


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