Lamentations: Twenty-Two Songs about John Coltrane
In the nearly six decades since his untimely passing, musicians from all
over the world have never stopped honoring John Coltrane. And not just
artists i...
16 hours ago
This shoddy piece of tabloid hackery is an affront to the good names of Bill Leckie, James Traynor, Daryll King and Hugh Keevans; men who have risked life and limb to bring quality sports journalism to a wider Scottish public.
I can only hope that this fodder is a mere blip on your otherwise above average record of providing your readers with pithy, insightful and though provoking football news.
Please ensure that divel of this nature masquerading as quality reportage does not again rear it's ugly head or I may be left with no choice but to cancel my subscription to this mediocre blog.
Good day to you Sir...
I concur, this is schoolboy writing that could easily be replicated by a simian with a commodore 64 and a word processing floppy disk. If the simian was unavailable then he/she could be replaced by two Rangers fans.
Dear readers, I had no foresight (or Bruce Forsythe were I speech impaired) that my minor piece of Toilet Duck-fuelled tomfoolery of a Friday evening, would have invoked such vitriol.
You are most likely in cahoots with a CONCACAF-funded squadron of despotic Trindidadians hell-bent on using this blog for glue and I claim my £5.
In closing, may you refrain from hawking insanity in my manor, we are all stocked up here.
Foresight? Methinks you have been typing with your foreskin hence the reason your retort is both delayed and facile. Whilst I concur that I have a penchant for sniffing glue (Evostick, the king of glues for solvent abusers) I cannot idly accept this bile as being informed journalism.
Wake up man! Your garbled prose makes the writings of Chick Young look like the work of Leo Tolstoy.
And what is all this chat about 'your manor'; have you been overdosing on the work of Guy Ritchie and his poshney cockney drivel? This would explain a lot, for after reading your work it's clear you are a Snatch!
Be it described as a manor, a dwelling, an apartment or an abode, at least these things are written from a home. Since you mis-placed your Romany travelling vehicle in a post-Pernod binge, you are having to dictate your garbled missives to your equally incomprensible colleagues via the Vic 20 you procured from your local landfill. After some investigation, this photograph of you and your friends was discovered celebrating this truimph.
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