The blog that's been too busy preparing a lawsuit against West Ham United to do any writing.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

The somewhat intimidating Rafa

Humblest of apologies to you all in this year of two hundred and nein. A combination of writer's block, utter confusion, ill health and alcoholism have provoked the radio silence. But we are back, back, back in black. Shall we dance?

This blog, while always finding Sir Fergie very entertaining, is sticking up for Rafa Benitez. Initially when this blog witnessed the above broadcast on Sky Sports News, the volume was turned down in the pub we were in, The Vale. The vidiprinter below summarised Senor Benitez's press conference and kristalseventeen concluded that it must be a Keegan circa 1996 meltdown.

Having watched it sober, it is quite straightforward. The Liverpool manager brings up some valid points in what he is saying. Hell mend Mrs Rafa if there is a dispute in the Benitez household.

"On January 11th, the 12th and today, I did the dishes. Ah, theese is FACT. I am the only one who goes unpunished for not taking out thee binz."

This is a brief posting, but it was only meant to be a dip back in the waters. Plus a shave is needed. A bit like Rafa to be honest.

Fare ye well and never walk alone.

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