Me and the Mrs were out on the lash last night for a spot of Quiz Night fun. We went to The Rock, but it wasn't on as the fella that does it is on holiday. What's that all about?
A taxi to what used to be called Air Organic, which is now BigSlope (where do they get the names from?) The quiz was on, but not until the "back of nine" the barman wearing a Devo t-shirt said.
I thought Devo rocked when I was a toddler. My dad used to play them a lot in the late 70s.
I've never been fond of that phrase "the back of..." when referring to the time. I never know if it means 9:06 or 9:47. The Mrs informed me it's nearer 10:00. Silly O'clock, more like. Anyway.
It was a bit pricey in there, so we went into The Grove which is just down the road. No domino action as you might expect in an old yin's boozer, but instead grunting 60-somethings berating at the horse racing that was on the idiot box.
So bollocks to that, I thought and had a swifty in Ben Nevis (no, not that one), it's a pub called Ben Nevis.
Just made in time for the quiz. Our team, which was just me and the wife, was called 'Tea And Biscuits' and we got 37 points. The winner, whose name escapes me, got 48, so not a bad effort.
There is something majestic about a pub quiz. It's thoroughly British and should be applauded.
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